Consultations That Elevate
Christina Rodriguez consults for industry professionals in the children’s educational and trade publishing markets.
Picture books, middle grade novels, YA manuscripts, artwork, and educational materials are expertly reviewed for insensitive language and bias, as well as authentic representation of diverse cultures, chronic illness, military family life and more. Christina offers thorough and thoughtful critiques that strengthen the creator’s work and propel their voice to new heights.
Ideal Clients and Projects
Fiction or nonfiction Picture book, Middle Grade and YA editors in need of sensitivity readings prior to publication.
Educational publishing professionals seeking reviews of classroom activities and lesson plans.
Literary agents requiring beta readings of manuscripts prior to representation.
Aspiring creators searching for a mentor (free assessment required).
Selected clients include Kevin Anderson & Associates, 12x12 Challenge, Student Achievement Partners, Sky Horse Press, SkyPony Press, and numerous published and aspiring creators.
Projects are kept confidential; references available upon request.
“Christina has been an invaluable mentor in the children’s book field, both in the development of my own picture book, and in sharing her knowledge and experience of the industry. Her insightful critiques have helped me to elevate my work as a writer and an illustrator. Her enthusiastic encouragement has kept me motivated and excited about my book, and the possibilities it holds.”